10 Food for Thought Photography Questions

Episode 28.

In this episode we explore 10 Food for Thought Photography Questions about our photography. These are questions I've thought about over time. The answers  change based on my experiences and what's significant to me at the time. I think you'll find the same if you ever choose to come back to these questions. These questions show us where we are and where we want to be, and in some cases, the likelihood of making our answers our reality. As the title states, these questions are food for thought to help us think about and explore what appeals to us and what nourishes us on our photography journey. There are no right or wrong answers, just thoughts worth exploring. Reach out and let me know some of your responses. If you do, we'll talk about them in an upcoming episode. Below are some of the questions we discuss in this episode.

{5:42} So we're going to start out with that exact question, which is, you're given $10,000. You must spend it on photography gear, camera, lenses, anything photography related, but gear related. What would you buy?

{16:56} You can spend a day with any photography mentor of your choosing anywhere in the entire world on their photoshoot. Who would you choose? And why?

{35:40} Question number seven. Is there an artist? Or are there artists outside of photography, whose work you look to for inspiration? Or to learn from? And it can be, I don't know, just think about who inspires you? Is it a modern artist of some kind? Or is it an old masters or sculptors or who do you look to?

Resources or Items Mentioned in This Episode:

Rembrandt: The Complete Paintings published by Taschen Sold on Amazon

Caravaggio: The Complete Works published by Taschen Sold on Amazon

Velazquez: The Complete Works published by Tashen Sold on Amazon

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